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Quotes To Live By


Any One need guidance to face the difficulties and challenges in his life. But the question is how to seek this guidance? Some time we have some friends who are more reasonable and experienced than us in the field we need guidance. We can get best guidance and advises from them. We also learn by our mistakes and realize things that we did wrong in our past. Some time our past teaches us well. And Our past guide us to avoid mistakes and in making good decision in our life. In the journey of life we face so much difficulties and ups and downs that disappoint us from our life. Lesson taught by life is some how not an easy one. It leaves an everlasting impact on our mind and soul. An easy and authentic way to learn about leading a perfect life is by learning from books and quotes.

Quotes To Live By

Experienced person writes about the experience of their lives in the form of small quotes. By reading these quotes we can easily make decisions about our life. Quotes are available for every field of life. And Many famous personalities and authors wrote them for the up coming generation so that they can avoid doing mistakes in their life. Mistakes that some time become shameful for us. In my today’s post I have collected some famous quotes about living a successful life that is on quotes to live by. Hope they would be helpful for you. Leave your feedback at the end of this post.

Never Make Decision

quotes to live by


Never make a decision when you’re angry and never make a promise when you’re happy.

Live By The Sun

quotes to live by


LIVE by the sun.
LOVE by the moon.

Risk n Care

quotes to live by


more than others think is safe.
more than other think is wise.
more than others think is practical.
more than others think is possible.

French Proverb

quotes to live by


One may go a long
way after one is tired.


quotes to live by


Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we’re here we should dance.

Bob Marley

quotes to live by


Who are you to judge
the life I live?
I am not perfect and I
don’t have to be!
Before you start pointing
fingers, make sure your
hands are clean.

-Bob Marley


quotes to live by


Thousands of candles
can be lit from a single candle
and the life of the candle will not be shortened
never decreases from being shared.

Best Thing About Past

quotes to live by


The best thing
about the PAST
is that it shows
you what not to
bring into your

Happiness And Butterfly

quotes to live by


Happiness is like a butterfly:
the more you chase it.
the more it will elude you.
but if you turn your attention
to other things. It will
come and sit softly
on your shoulder…

Martin Luther

quotes to live by


If you can’t fly then run,
If you can’t run then walk,
If you can’t walk then crawl,
But whatever you do you have
To keep moving forward.

-Martin Luther King Jr

Quote to Live By

quotes to live by


Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment
of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

-Jim Fiebig

Tim Burton

quotes to live by


One person craziness,
is another persons reality.

-Tim Burton

Reason We Struggle

quotes to live by


The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.

-Steve Furtick


quotes to live by


I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant; It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.


quotes to live by


Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.

-H.L Mencken

If You Love

quotes to live by

If you love something let it go,
If it comes back to you it’s your,
If it doesn’t it never was.


quotes to live by


Dream as if you’ll live forever.
Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.


quotes to live by


You know
more than you
think you do.

Before You Criticize

life quotes

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you’ll be a mile away and you’ll have their shoes.

Funny Quote

life quotes


In life, it’s not who you know that’s important, it’s how your wife found out.

-Joey Adams

Stop Looking

life quotes


Stop looking at what you ain’t got and start being thankful for what you do not.

Don’t Tell Problems

life quotes


Don’t tell your problems
to people: eighty percent
don’t care; and the other
twenty percent are glad you have them.

-Lou Holtz

Margaret Thatcher

life quotes


If you want something said,
ask a man; if you want
something done, ask a

-Margaret Thatcher


life quotes


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,is not an act,but a habit.



life quotes


Destiny is for losers.
It’s just a stupid excuse
to wait for things
to happen instead of
making them happen.

-Blair Waldrof

Don’t Follow

life quotes


Don’t follow your dreams; chase them.

Be The Person

life quotes


Be the type of person you want to meet.

Love And Trust

quotes to live by


Love all,
trust few,
Do wrong to
No one.


Best Way To Predict Future

quotes to live by


The best way to predict
the future is to create it.

We Live In

quotes to live by

We live in a society where pizza gets gets to your house before the police.

Love The Life

quotes to live by


Love the life you live.


quotes to live by


Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

Always Remember

quotes to live by


Always remember you are braver than you believe stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.


quotes to live by


Life is like a camera.
Focus on what is important
& you’ll capture it perfectly.

Live Every Moment

quotes to live by


Live every moment, Laugh every day, Love beyond words.

Go Confidently

quotes to live by


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve Imagined.

More You Approve

quotes to live by


The more you approve of your own decisions in life, the less you feel the need to have them approved or accepted by others.


quotes to live by


Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

No Body Can Go Back

quotes to live by


Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending…

Create A Life

quotes to live by


Create a life that feels good on the inside not one that just looks good on the outside.

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