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Quotes on Childhood


Childhood is termed as golden age of one life because in this age every one loves you. No problems, no hate, no responsibility and parents will there every time for your service. Love of your mother and fights with sisters and brothers are unforgettable memories. Child don’t need to work or tired for something they want, they just show their wish to their parents and at the evening parents will be present with desired object. Every children in childhood age don’t care about sorrows or happiness of others or no wishes for tomorrows but just keeping self busy in laughing and playing around with siblings or toys and when get tired direct goes to bed for sleep. They no idea of something fear or telling lie, but when once they hurt by something next time they don’t go there near. In childhood mind work really sharp as mind Is free of all problems and issues which elder face. Sweetest and pleasant memories inspired person life till to death and this age never come back. If you got of wealth and achieve great success in the life but you will not be able to live the life like childhood. Parents love, friends fights and funs, school bus and bag, streets walks and see beach, park fun and zoo visit, all these remains like dream in every young man mind and this time of child pass like one watching a dream and just wake up from it. Below given are some childhood quotes which will fresh your memories and will remember some pleasure time of your childhood.

Quotes on Childhood

Childhood Quotes

There is no land like the land of your chilhood,”

Childhood Ryming

My parents didn’t call my cell, they Yelled my name.I played outside. not online.if Ididn’t eat what mom cooked, I didn’t eat.

Childhood Words

While we try to teach our children all about life…our children teach us what life is about!

Childhood Quotes Images

Never forget who you are and where you come from!it’s an important part of you that you will find strength and peace from.

Childhood Hd Images

What Lingers From the parent’s individual past, unresolved or incomplete, often becomes part of her or his irrational parenting.

Childhood Pics

All children are artists.The problem is how to remain an artist once he grow up

Childhood Pictures

There are perhaps no days of your childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book.

Childhood Status

childhood is a like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did..Except

Childhood Pictures

childern are like wet cement. whatever falls on them makes an impresion.

Childhood Quotes

“children must be taught HOW TO THINK not what to think.”

Childhood Images

“for everything you’ve missed,you gain something else.And for everything you’ve gained,you lose something else.”

Childhood Pics

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never became older.

ChildHood Images

For a child, it is in the simplicity of play that the complexity of life is sorted like puzzle pieces joined together to make sence of the world.

Childhood Hd Images

We Worry About What A Child Will Became Tomorrow Yet We Forget That He Is  Someone Today 

Childhood Status


Childhood Rhyming

“summer will end soon enough  and CHILDHOOD as well.”

Childhood Photos

children have one kind of silliness,as you know, and grown-ups have another kind.

Childhood Pictures

What the hell happened?Today, I saw a girl,about 8, Complaining  about how her IPhone got taken away why? Her parent caught her kissing her boyfriend. I saw 3 ten year old at the mall, Shopping at Victoria’s Secrect. why is the generation in such a hurry to grow up? IT’S NOT AS FABULOUS AS YOU THINK. in fact, its terrible.I WOULD KILL TO BE LITTLE AGAIN,playing with my jump rope, having only a skinned knee to cry over.

Childhood Photos

while we try to teach our children all about life our children teach us what life is allabout.

Childhood Images

 What ones loves in childhood stays in the heart forever.

Childhood Pictures

If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy

Childhood Hd Images

if a child lives with fairness he learns justice.


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