Home Quotes 30 Inspirational Leadership Quotes

30 Inspirational Leadership Quotes


A great quality of leading people is not common among all human. Very few persons are blessed with this great and unique quality. leading people is not that easy, A leader lead his people to achieve some specific goals. leadership includes some great qualities that includes intelligence, handling difficult situations,truthfulness, braveness and mercifulness with passion to lead a nation, world or a country. Leadership quality is to handle the difficult situations in suitable manners that no one or less people could get effected with the decision taken by them. Leader should be aware of all the needs and requirements of the people who are following you and expect you to solve your problems. Leader helps people to fulfill their dreams and heart desires that they want to get in a country so that they may be able to live life according to their own wishes. Leader provides the best, safe and shortest way to do things in order to solve problems of people. It is not necessary that the leader is a person who leads a nation or country. Some times we need a leader for business purposes and to run a company. A leader who has his own desires and requirements over his followers can never get the results or outcomes according to the way he wants. Remember one thing that a leader can not be successful unless he is very close to his followers and his people.

Inspirational Leadership Quotes

In my today’s post I am sharing some leadership quotes that will help the leader to understand their followers and help them to mak useful decision. I hope  you will like this post and leave your feedback at the end of this post. you may also like to visit out rest posts.

Great Leader

leadership quotes

A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.

– John Maxwell


leadership quotes

Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says “Go!” a leader says “Lets’s go!”

– E.M. Kelly


leadership quotes


leadership quotes

Leadership : The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.

– Dwight D. Eisenhower

Show The Way

leadership quotes

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way


leadership quotes

Leadership is action, not position

– Donald H. mcGannon

About Talking

leadership quotes

Leadership is about taking responsibility not making excuses

Miit Romney

Leadership And Learning

leadership quotes

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.

– John F. kennedy


leadership quotes

A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says ” I was beaten,  “he does not say “My men were beaten.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Failing Organizations

leadership quotes

Failing organizations are usually overmanaged and underled

– Warren G. Bennis


leadership quotes

Leadership in education is about learning – the learning of others has to be at heart of the decision-making of any educational leader.


leadership quotes

Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average

– Jim Rohn

Let Your Actions

leadership quotes

Let Your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, & became more!
Be A Leader!

Dealer In Hope

leadership quotes

A leader is a dealer in hope.

– Napoleon Bonaparte

To do Greate Things

leadership quotes

To do great is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.

– Friendrich Nietzsche


leadership quotes

Leadership like life, is largely a matter of paying attention


leadership quotes

Great leaders don’t tell you what to do….. they show you how its done

Leadership Can’t be Taught

leadership quotes

Too many people say that Leadership cannot be taught. That may be true, but it is irrelevant


leadership quotes

The leader always sets the trail for others to follow


leadership quotes

A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.

Things Are Difficult

inspirational quotes

Most things are difficult before they are easy

 If You Wish To be

inspirational quotes

If you wish to be a leader you will be frustrated,
For very few people wish to be led.
If you aim to be a servant you will never be frustrated..

In the End

inspirational quotes

In the end, when you fade into The night, who will tell, the story of your life?
Who will remember….. your last goodbye?
It’s the end, and I’m not afraid….. I’m not afraid to die.

Leading And Learning

inspirational quotes

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other

Matter Of

inspirational quotes

Leadership is matter of
– intelligence,
– trustworthiness,
– humaneness,
– courage, and
– sternness

Challenge Of Leadership

inspirational quotes

The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude;
be kind, but not weak;
be bold, but not bully;
be thoughtful, but not lazy;
be humble, but not timid;
be proud, but not arrogant;
have humor, but without folly.

– Jim Rohn

Genuine Leader

inspirational quotes

A genuine leader is not a searcher but a molder of consensus.

– Martin Luther King. jr.

A Good Leader

inspirational quotes

A good leader can’t get too far ahead of his followers.

– Theodore Roosevelt

Great Leader

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No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.

– Andrew Carnege

Time Is Always Right

inspirational quotes

The time is always right to do what is right.

 – Martin Luther King. jr.

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