Home Wallpapers 30 Android Wallpaper For Desktop

30 Android Wallpaper For Desktop


Android is an operating system.It is Linux based os. Mostly used in smartphones and tablets.It is open source operating system.Open source means that user can change it according to the demand.Most of the smartphones now a days use android as operating system.It is becoming very popular in applications.Almost all of the developers now a days use android platform to develop applications on android as it is free.In oder to develop apple application you must have to purchase apple login form to develop  app.Most of its app are free on online store.Some years ago no one can beat apple apps.But now we can say that android is beating apple in apps,But still lots for work has to be done by android.Today i am going to share android wallpaper.These wallpapers is for android lovers.My collection is unique on whole internet.Download it and use it as your desktop background.Also share some other wallpaper on Pin.dekhnews.com. Keep visiting us,do comment at the end of this post.

I Love Android

android wallpaper

 Blue Android

android wallpaper

android wallpaper

android wallpaper

 Call Android

android wallpaper

 Joker Android

android wallpaper

 Black Background

android logo

android wallpaper

android logo

 Eating Apple

android logo


 Green Design


 Cool Wallpaper




android wallpapers


android wallpapers

android wallpapers

 Green And White

android wallpapers

Image Credit

 Android Crying

android wallpapers

 Cool Text Effect

android wallpapers

 Android Logos

android wallpapers

 Simple Wallpaper

android wallpapers

 Red Android

wallpaper android

wallpaper android

 Cool Design

wallpaper android

wallpaper android

wallpaper android

 Decent Wallpaper

wallpaper android

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