World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June all across the world to spread global awareness among people to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This day is celebrated since 1973 in order to raise awareness about the importance of the healthy and green environment in the human lives. World environment day is also known as the Environment Day, Eco Day or short form WED. Being a part of this planet its our duty to protect it and also teach other for saving the planet. On World Environment Day, there are campaign held which address the huge environmental issues like wastage and losses of food, deforestation, increasing global warming and so many. Every year the celebration of this campaign is planned, so that it will effect more and more people in better way. On this day there are so many activities performed to encourage people towards the celebration and understand the importance of this day. People of all age groups involve actively during the celebration to save their planet. In this article we have collected motivational quotes and sayings, which you can share with your near and dear once through so many social networking sites. Scroll this page for more info.
World Environment Day Quotes

What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror refection of what we are doing to ourselves and one another.
Mahatma Gandhi

You must be the change you wish to see in the world world environment day.

Earth there is hope is people will being to awaken that spiritual part of themselves that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet broken medicine eagle.

World environment day save help protect trees.

World environment day.

T for tree save this image! because you would need to show it to your children t answer how does a tree look like.

He that plants tress loves others beside himself.
-Thomas Fuller

A small step to save the earth in your hands do just one small thing today!

Happy environment day.

The nature is our silent friend and family. it protects us if we protect it happy world environment day!

World environment day kick the habit: towards a love- carbon economy.

World Environment day.
World Environment Day Sayings

A Green Planet is a Clean Planet!!

We only have one home.
-David Baylies

World Environment Day.

Love Your Environment…be proud of it.

Start today…Save Tomorrow. Clean up Our Climate.

Heal the Earth, Heal Our Future.

The Earth has enough to fulfil everyone’s need…But it can never satisfy everyone’s greed.

Mother Nature too needs care and protection. Show her you care. By caring for her trees. Love Trees…Love Nature.

Clean Planet Calls each one of us to get together and make India truly, Saare Jahan Se Achcha!.

On this World Environment Day,
Its worth remembering that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.

It’s not your, not mine, Its ours. So, protect your mother who, nourish you.

World Environment Day!

World Environment Day!
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
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