Mother’s Day is a celebration to honor our mother for their love and care all our life. Mother’s day is celebrated on various day in the various part of the country, mostly it is celebrated in the month of march and may. Mothers are so important for us, because she is the one who do so many sacrifices. A mother’s love and affection is out of the world. A mother is mother, her love is not comparable to anyone. Anyone can be pregnant or adopt child but it takes a real time hard work and commitment to be a mother. Mothers are the homemaker and she take care of all the things of the family members. Mother’s Day is the right time to show your love and affection to your mother, who is s special person in our life and without her we are nothing. The concept of celebrating Mothers Day is very new and on this day we should respect the lady who do so many scarifies for us without thinking anything.
Awareness about Mothers Day is much greater in Metropolitan and Big Cities and happening cities than in smaller towns. Thanks to the booming card market, who keep reminding people about when is Mothers Day and how it must be celebrated. In the capital city of Delhi, Mothers Day is celebrated in a big way and has been commercialized to a great extent. Big companies launch various women oriented products on the day and restaurants try to lure people with attractive advertisements.
Top Mothers Day Quotes

A mother’s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking…

Happy mother’s day a mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for give people promptly announces.

Happy mother’s day happy mother’s day mom you are an inspiration a great friend, and by far the best mom any one can ask for.

God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.

The love between a mother and daughter is forever.

Happy Mother’s day.

All woman become like their mothers. that is their tragedy. no man does that’s his.

Happy mother’s day! mother love is the fuel the enables a normal human being to do the impossible.
-Marion c Garretty


Mom, thank you for not leaving me somewhere in a basket.

Smile, mom. today is mother’s day!

Happy mother’s day a man’s work is form sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done.
Mothers Day Quotes

A mom’s jobs means getting paid with hugs & kisses. happy mother’s day!

-Judy Blume

To all mother’s in Facebook

There is nothing stronger than the love between a mother & son.

A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.

Happy mother’s day!

A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one can take.

Motherhood it takes patience, a sense of humor… and a lot of moist towelettes.

A mother is one to whom you hurry when you’re troubled.
-Emily Dickinson


God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.

Dear mom, thanks for always being there for me, love me, care for me. no one can ever replace you in my love, me.
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