Home Heart Touching 35 Broken Heart Quotes & WhatsApp Status

35 Broken Heart Quotes & WhatsApp Status


Life seems so dull and colorless for a heartbroken person. You feel that your life has lost all its meaning and purpose. Your heart feelings appear through your eyes, Your deeds, your face and at last from your words. when our heart is broken we don’t want to take anyone. we just want to find a dull and dark corner to cry where no one could see us. This lightens the burden of sorrow but however crying is not the best solution for such situations. You must tell that person who feels you so bad so that he can realize his mistake. Just go and tell your heart breaker. Some time No other person can feel you better except that person who broke your heart.
There is a famous quote as:

“What to do when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?”
But the fact is that this is not so easy to sort out matters. It breaks you in both physically and emotionally in parts. It is so surprising that we don’t feel the moment when love begins, we always feel when it ends. Some people also think that there is no such thing as heartbreak, it’s only learning of better and finding a more suitable partner or love for you. realizing that your heart is not broken is a relief. Emotional attachment feels so good at the peak of a relationship, but it hurts a lot at the ending point. 

There are so many quotes of different authors to tell your heart breaker your heart feelings. So here I am sharing some heartbroken quotes, hope you will like them and let us know about your feedback. Also, visit Cute Puppies Pictures


broken heart quotes

A broke heart can be pieced back together…
It might be a heart again.

Forget SomeOne

broken heart quotes

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.


broken heart quotes

Without love I can’t get enough. I like it rough because i’d rather feel pain than nothing at all.

Break Up

broken heart quotes

A breakup is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it than hurt yourself trying to pick up the pieces…

50+ Heart Touching Quotes, Lines & Images


broken heart quotes

Relationships are like GLASS, sometimes it’s better to LEAVE them broken than try to HURT yourself putting it back TOGETHER.

Cute Cartoon

broken heart quotes

You broke it stupid!


broken heart quotes


broken heart quotes

I’m proud of my heart. It’s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works.

Little Kid

broken heart quotes


Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.


broken heart quotes

When your heart is in hiding, it is best to remain detached, for the pain is still raw; the eyes still tear-filled the memories, piercing…


broken heart quotes

When a man says he loves you,
And says he’s main concern is your
Listen not to what he says,
But what he does,
Be sure his actions speak to his words.
And his love is true and real.
Cuz it will hurt like shit when he shows
you the true meaning of,

Broken Heart

broken heart quotes

I wish you told me from the start that you were gonna break my heart.

Broken Wing and Heart

broken heart quotes

You can’t fly with a broken wing;
you can’t LOVE with a broken heart.

Forever Means

broken heart quotes

When you said that we would
be together forever I thought
that meant until we died but…
I guess forever isn’t as long as it used to be…is it?


broken heart quotes

I don’t hate you,
I’m just disappointed
you turned into everything you said
you’d never be.

Love My Heart

broken heart quotes

I love my heart,
Even if you don’t
It has been broken
stamped on, and totally
trashed, but ut still beats…
You Don’t Deserve it…


broken heart quotes

For a few minutes you made me feel as though I actually meant something to someone.


broken heart quotes

Those who are heartless,
Once cared too much.

Hardest Thing

broken heart quotes

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you Love.
Love someone else.

One More Night Alone

broken heart quotes

Each night I put my head to my pillow I try to tell myself I’m strong because I’ve gone one more day without you.

Giving Up

breakup quotes

Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak. Sometimes it just means you’re strong enough to let go.

Reason of Not talking

breakup quotes

The reason I don’t talk to you anymore is that I keep telling myself that if you wanted to speak to me you would.


breakup quotes

Only time can heal your broken heart.

Biggest Mistake

breakup quotes

One of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy.


breakup quotes

You hurt me.
Yet I still love you,
I handed it to you & said be careful.
But, as stupid as you are you broke it.
After the crap, you put me through,
I still love you.

I’m Not Afraid

breakup quotes

I’m not afraid to fall in love, but I’m afraid to fall for something I can’t have.

Analyzing Past

breakup quotes

Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past.
Stop planning the future,
stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel.
Stop deciding with our mind,
what we want our heart to feel.
Sometimes we just have to go with…
whatever happens


sad quotes

A broken heart is like a puzzle.
If the right person can find all of
the pieces and fit them into
place, it can become once again.


sad quotes

Every person has at least one secret that would break your heart.

Dead Man

sad love quotes

Dead men are heavier than broken hearts.

Skinned Knees aren’t Hard to fix

sad love quotes

Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.


sad love quotes

Once in a lifetime someone break your heart and If you still feel to hold that person with every broken piece…
that amazing pain is called

Found Myself Smiling

sad love quotes

And I found myself smiling even when my heart is broken.


sad quotes

Love is the only medicine for a broken heart


sad quotes

The truth is I can’t live
I mean I can live without you.

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