Home Inspirational 20+ Mind Blowing Achievement Quotes

20+ Mind Blowing Achievement Quotes


Nobody knows the struggle one has to undertake in order to reach a certain point in his life, to achieve a specific level he had dreamt of. An achievement doesn’t appear suddenly as a manifestation, one has to live some bad days to get the best days of their life. A tiresome struggle, a breath-taking unannounced test at every single step and a constant fear of failure goes side by side in the path of a pre-determined destiny. One who accepts the challenges on the way and doesn’t lose hope and determines to reach his destiny at every cost, no matter what the hardships he has to face gets succeeded one day. These hardships test your courage and stamina to hold on to your dream or to give up right in the mid of the way.

Mind Blowing Achievement Quotes

Once you achieve your goal you forget whatever troubles you faced and then life becomes a triumph; as it is said that there is ease after every hardship. And surely one does get rewarded after a tiresome hard work done for the sake of goodness. These are the Divine rules. Your efforts don’t go to waste as long as you put them in the right direction and for a healthy purpose. If today you have achieved something be thankful to God for rewarding you. Today I bring you Achievement Quotes that will motivate you in achieving your goals. A message from me to all of you reading my post is “Be Humble” 🙂 God Bless You.

Remember that: “Average people have wishes and hopes, confident people have goals and plans.”

Hard Work

Achievement Quotes

Great achievement always need a hard work.

Jack Nicklaus Quote

Achievement Lines

Achievement is largely the product of steadily one’s level of aspiration and expectation.

-Jack Nicklaus

Great Achievements

Achievement Images

Great achievement build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.

-George Fabricius

Common Sense

Achievement Hd Wallpaper

The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are,
first; Hard Work,
Second; Stick-to-Itiveness,
Third; Common Sense.

Success is Measured

Achievement Quotes

Your success is measure by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; andhow you handle disappointment along the way.

The Starting Point

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The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desire brings weak result.

Quote By Emerson

Achievement Words

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.


Difficult Doesn’t Mean Impossible

Achievement Status

Difficult doesn’t meam impossible. It simply means you have to work hard.


Achievement Photos

All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.

-Napoleon Hill.

Great Sacrifice

Achievement uotes

Great Achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.

-Napoleon Hill

Henry Ford Quote

Achievement Status

Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.

-Henry Ford

Achievers Never Expose

Achievement Images

A lamp does not speak, It introduce it self, through its light, Achievers never expose themselves. But their achievements expose them.

Great Risk

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Great achievement involve great risk.


Achievement Decision

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

Goals Are The Fuel

Achievement Quotes

Goals are the fuels in the Furnace of achievement.

– Brian Tracy


Achievement Happiness

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.

– Ayn Rand

Change The Plan

Achievement Walpapers

 If the plan doesn’t work change the plan but never the goal.

Real Achievement

Real Achievement

Real achievement comes from racing ahead when no one else sees a path and holding back when the rush isn’t going where you want to go.

-Seth Godin

Love You

Achievement Life

The greatest achievement in my life thus far been to love you and be loved by you.

Adolf Hitler Quote

Essential Achievement

The very first essential for success is a prepetually constant and regular employment of violence.

-Adolf Hitler

Paulo Coelho Quote

Dream Achievement

There is only one thing that makes a dream imposiible to achieve: the fear of failure.

-Paulo Coelho

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